HomeFishCan Guppy Live With Angelfish: The Ultimate Compatibility Guide

Can Guppy Live With Angelfish: The Ultimate Compatibility Guide

Guppy fish and angelfish are not recommended to be kept together due to the territorial behavior displayed by angelfish as adults.

Are Guppies And Angelfish Compatible Tank Mates?

When it comes to the compatibility between guppies and angelfish in a shared tank, it is essential to understand the potential concerns. Angelfish tend to display territorial behavior as adults and may view smaller fish, such as guppies, as possible food. Therefore, keeping guppies and angelfish together is not recommended, especially in a community tank.

Guppies are small and peaceful fish, while angelfish are more extensive and may threaten the safety of the guppies. Although guppies are compatible with most fish species, angelfish generally require specific tank mates.

Due to aggressive behavior, some species that should not be placed in the same tank as guppies include angelfish, cichlids, Endler’s livebearers, and other large fish. Placing guppies in the same tank with these species may put the guppies at risk.

Understanding The Nature Of Angelfish And Guppies

Guppies and angelfish are not the best tank mates due to the territorial behavior displayed by the angelfish. While guppies are compatible with most fish species, angelfish can only live with certain types of fish. It is recommended to keep guppies and angelfish separate in an aquarium to ensure the well-being of both species. Guppies are small and peaceful fish, whereas angelfish view smaller fish as potential food. Therefore, putting them together in a community tank is not a good idea. Some species, such as cichlids and endler’s livebearers, have aggressive responses towards guppies and should be avoided as tank mates. It is crucial to consider compatibility and the specific requirements of each fish species when planning the inhabitants of an aquarium.

Factors To Consider When Keeping Guppies And Angelfish Together

Specific Water Conditions For Guppies

Guppies are tropical fish that require specific water conditions to thrive. Maintaining a temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) and a pH level between 7.0-8.0 in the aquarium is essential. Additionally, guppies prefer slightly hard water with a hardness level of 10-15 dGH. Providing the right water conditions will ensure the health and well-being of your guppies.

Suitable Tank Size For Angelfish

Angelfish fish are more significant than guppies and require a spacious tank to accommodate their size. It is recommended to provide a minimum tank size of 30 gallons for a pair of adult angelfish. The tank should also have plenty of hiding places, such as plants or driftwood, to create territories for the angelfish and reduce any potential aggression towards other tank mates.

Overall, while it is possible to keep guppies and angelfish together, it is essential to consider the specific water conditions for guppies and provide a suitable tank size to ensure their compatibility and well-being.

Credit: Bing

Tips For Successfully Keeping Guppies And Angelfish Together

Introducing Angelfish to the Tank at a Young Age

Monitoring the Size Difference Between Guppies and Angelfish

It is important to note that guppies and angelfish may not make the best tank mates in the long run. While guppies are generally compatible with most fish species, angelfish exhibit territorial behavior as adults, which can lead to aggression towards other fish in the tank.

Guppies are small peaceful fish.Angelfish tend to view smaller fish as potential food.
It is recommended to add angelfish to the tank when they are young and small.The size difference between guppies and angelfish should be monitored to prevent predation.

Suppose you still decide to keep guppies and angelfish together. In that case, it is suggested to provide ample hiding spots, plants, and decorations in the tank to create separate territories and reduce aggression. Regular monitoring of the tank and observing the behavior of both species is crucial to ensure the well-being of all the fish.

Potential Issues And Solutions With Guppies And Angelfish In The Same Tank

Unfortunately, angelfish and guppy fish don’t make the best tank mates. Angelfish tend to display territorial behavior as adults and view smaller fish like guppies as potential food. This can lead to aggression and predation in the tank.

To prevent aggression and predation, it is recommended to avoid keeping guppies and angelfish together in the same aquarium. If you are adamant about keeping them together, a few solutions might help minimize the risk:

  • Provide ample hiding places for guppies to escape from the angelfish, such as plants, caves, or decorations
  • Ensure the tank is large enough to accommodate both species comfortably and provide territories for each fish
  • Keep the angelfish well-fed with a varied diet to reduce their predatory instincts
  • Monitor the tank closely for any signs of aggression, stress, or predation, and be ready to separate the fish if necessary

Recommended Tank Mates For Guppies And Angelfish

While guppies are compatible with most fish species, angelfish can only live with a specific type of fish. It is not recommended to keep guppies with angelfish in the same tank. Angelfish tend to display territorial behavior as adults and may view smaller fish like guppies as potential food. Some fish species that cannot live with guppies include angelfish, cichlids, Endler’s Livebearers, and other large fish that may pose a risk to smaller guppies.

If you want to keep guppies and angelfish together, it is best to introduce them when they are young and small. However, it’s important to note that even at a young age, there may still be compatibility concerns between these two species. Guppies are small, peaceful fish, whereas angelfish can be more aggressive, especially as they mature.

In conclusion, keeping guppies and angelfish together is possible, but it is not recommended due to compatibility and potential aggression issues. It is always best to research and choose tank mates with similar temperaments and requirements to ensure a harmonious and stress-free environment for all the fish in your aquarium.

Credit: Bing

Frequently Asked Questions On Can Guppy Live With Angelfish

Can I Put Guppies And Angelfish Together?

Guppies and angelfish are not recommended to be kept together in the same tank. Angelfish display territorial behavior as adults and may harm smaller, more peaceful guppies. It’s best to choose compatible tank mates for both species to ensure their well-being.

Which Fish Can Be Kept With Angelfish?

Guppies can be kept with angelfish, but it is best to introduce them when young and small. Avoid placing aggressive Fish like cichlids and large Fish in the same tank as guppies. Angelfish may view smaller Fish as potential food, so monitor their behavior closely.

What Fish Cannot Live With Guppies?

Angelfish, Cichlids, Endler’s Livebearers, and other large Fish should not be kept with guppies due to their aggressive behavior.

Can Guppies And Angelfish Live Together Peacefully?

It is not recommended to keep Guppies and Angelfish together in the same tank. Angelfish tend to display territorial behavior as adults, and they may view smaller Fish like Guppies as potential food.


While guppies are generally compatible with most fish species, angelfish may not be their best tank mate. Angelfish tend to display territorial behavior as adults, which can lead to aggression towards smaller Fish like guppies. It is recommended to avoid keeping them together in the same aquarium to ensure the safety and well-being of both species.



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